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Frequently Asked Questions

Orlando's Premier Paver Cleaning, Sealing and Restoration Services Company

Can I seal my pavers on my own?

Sealing pavers can be a DIY project for some homeowners, but it may be best to hire a professional for others. Here are five reasons why you may not be able to seal your pavers on your own:

  1. Lack of Experience: Sealing pavers requires a certain level of experience and knowledge of the process. If you have never sealed pavers before, it may be best to hire a professional to ensure that the job is done correctly.

  2. Type of Paver: Different types of pavers require different types of sealers, and some pavers may not be suitable for sealing at all. A professional will have the experience and knowledge to determine the best sealer for your pavers.

  3. Failing to correctly prepare the area or choosing an inferior sealer like those sold by home improvement or paint stores can result in the sealer going white (either due to trapped moisture or failed sealer), peeling and cracking. 

  4. Selecting the correct sealer for the type of paver or natural stone, usage, and environment. Select a professional that is trained and certified by the sealer manufacturer.

  5. Size of the Area: If you have a large area of pavers, sealing them on your own can be time-consuming and physically demanding. A professional can complete the job more quickly and efficiently.

  6. Availability of Equipment: Sealing pavers requires specialized equipment, such as a pressure washer, a sealer applicator, and a roller. If you don't have access to these tools, it may be best to hire a professional who does.

  7. Health and Safety Concerns: Sealing pavers can be messy and potentially hazardous, as it involves working with chemicals and equipment that can be harmful if not handled properly. A professional will have the proper training and equipment to complete the job safely.

In summary, if you lack experience, have a large area of pavers, need access to the necessary equipment, have a unique type of paver, or have health and safety concerns, it may be best to hire a professional to seal your pavers.

Why should I seal my pavers

Sealing your pavers is the very best way to protect the investment you’ve made in your walks, patios, driveways, pool decks, retaining walls and other hardscapes. Since they are exposed to the elements, they require protection and regular maintenance to keep them looking beautiful for many years. Our high-performance sealers create a protective finish that will restore the original depth of color, repel stains and deter surface deterioration. Just as you clean and polish your car periodically, your pavers and retaining wall block need the same care to keep them looking great.

Sealing pavers can provide several benefits, including:

  1. Protection from Stains: Sealing can help to protect the surface of the pavers from stains caused by spills, dirt, and other substances. It's important to address stains without delay for best results.

  2. Enhanced Color: Sealing can also help to enhance the color and vibrancy of the pavers, making them look newer and fresher for a longer period of time.

  3. Improved Durability: Sealing can help to strengthen the surface of the pavers and make them more durable, reducing the risk of cracking and chipping.

  4. Easier Maintenance: Sealing can make cleaning and maintaining pavers easier, as it helps to prevent dirt and grime from penetrating the surface.

  5. Retardation of Weed Growth: Sealing can also help to reduce weed growth between the pavers, making maintenance easier and reducing the need for herbicides.

  6. Reduction of Paver Movement: Sealing can also help to reduce paver movement and prevent shifting, which can help to maintain the overall stability of the surface.

In summary, sealing pavers can provide both aesthetic and functional benefits, making it a worthwhile investment for those looking to protect and enhance their paver surfaces.

How much should it cost to seal my pavers?

The cost of sealing pavers can vary depending on several factors, such as the size of the area, the type of sealer used, and the complexity of the project. On average, the cost of sealing pavers can range anywhere from $1.75 to $3 per square foot, but it can be higher or lower depending on the specific circumstances.

Additionally, the cost of sealing pavers can be influenced by the current state of the pavers and the amount of preparation work that is required. For example, if the pavers are stained, have eflo or have been damaged, it may be necessary to treat and/or deep clean and repair them before sealing, which can increase the overall cost of the project.

Ultimately, the cost of sealing pavers will depend on a variety of factors, and it is best to get a quote from a professional contractor to get a more accurate estimate.

Is it too late to seal my pavers?

It's always best to seal soon after a new installation. But, our proven system of repairing, cleaning and sealing will also bring back the original luster to old, dirty and fading pavers. Sealing is the final step in a comprehensive process.

What is eflo?

Efflorescence Treatment. One application.
The “ICPI” (interlocking concrete pavement institute), efflorescence is a natural process, in which a random white haze may appear on the surface of the brick, which is caused by lime or a water soluble calcium oxide that rises to the surface after repeated saturations due to rain or sprinklers. Efflorescence does not affect the integrity of the bricks and will usually resolve itself with time and exposure to the elements. The proper sealing of concrete brick pavers may retard or stop completely the efflorescence process due to the moisture protection achieved by the sealing process. However, The Professional Paver Seal Company does not state or imply that efflorescence will stop as a result of the sealing process.

How often do I need to seal my pavers?

The frequency at which you should seal your pavers depends on several factors, including the type of paver, the location of the pavers, the amount of foot traffic they receive, and the type of sealer used. Generally, it is recommended to reseal pavers every 2-4 years. 

If your pavers are located in a high-traffic area, such as a driveway or patio, you may need to reseal them more frequently to ensure that they are protected from wear and tear. Similarly, if the pavers are located in an area that is exposed to the elements, such as rain and sun, you may need to reseal them more frequently to prevent fading and discoloration.

The type of sealer used can also affect the frequency at which you need to reseal your pavers. Some types of sealers can last for several years, while others may need to be reapplied more frequently. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for the specific type of sealer you are using and to reseal your pavers as needed to ensure that they remain protected and looking their best.
Additionally performing annual maintenance on your pavers wil extend the life of the pavers. 

In summary, the frequency at which you should seal your pavers will depend on several factors, and it is recommended to have them resealed every 2-4 years, or as needed, to ensure that they remain protected and looking their best.

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